Ear/Earlobe Surgery (Otoplasty)

In cases of protruding or over-developed ears, the procedure of otoplasty may be an option. Otoplasty is commonly referred to as “pinning back” of the ears. It is available for children once their ears have stopped developing around the age of six. Over-developed ears can be the cause of psychological stress and trauma and should be treated at a young age before it becomes a serious issue. Dr. Farbod is trained in several surgical procedures, in order to eliminate the majority of the problems related to protruding ears.


The procedure can be performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia and the doctor will discuss this option with you. Dr. Farbod  has the option of either folding the cartilage located on the back of the ear or removing excess cartilage. Sutures are placed and bandages applied to speed the healing process. The procedure typically takes only an hour.

Post-Operative Information

After the operation patients should expect bruising around the area that fades in 2 to 3 weeks. Pain associated with operation is minimal and can be easily treated with oral medication. The bandages are only needed for a few days and should be replaced with a lighter dressing. Refraining from sleeping on the ears is required and patients are advised to use a very soft pillow. Showering and shampooing may begin after a few days. Expect two to three days of recovery before normal activities can be performed. Consult with Dr. Farbod before attempting any athletic or precarious activities that may affect the healing process.